Would you rather talk to someone who is an eye candy but has a brain the size of a pea or someone who is a sore to the eyesight but with knowledge as vast as the sea?
If you choose the eye candy, would you shut your brain when you talk to that person but keep your eyes wide open?
If you talk to the latter, would you close your eyes and open your mind?
If there were no in-betweens, would you consider yourself and eye candy or the sore to the eyes?
Would you rather be the single most attractive person on the world or the world’s greatest brain?
If you were beautiful, would you hate the ugly? If you were the ugly, would you hate the beautiful? Why? Why not?
If you are to design the characters of these two individuals, the sore to the eyes and the eye candy, who of the two is good? Who is bad?
Who would you rather be?
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