Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Customer Service

Had a bad call earlier. Customer was shouting at me because I was asking for his reference number. He’s Chinese and there’s obviously a language barrier between us. He speaks English but with a heavy Chinese accent. I don’t mean to criticize because there are a lot of good-natured Chinese people but this guy is just plain ass. I advised the customer calm down because we wont be able to resolve the issue in anger.

I understand the basics of working in the customer service industry. You always have to be patient and understanding. But we are human beings as well. We don’t deserve to be treated like shit. We work our ass off to support ourselves and our families just like most people do. Some of us choose to be in this position and I am one of them. I love what I do and I think I am good at it but what I don’t understand sometimes are the attitudes of some of our customer. They’ll go into a fit if they don’t get what they want or if something goes wrong.

Do these people ever have a sense of reality? Life does not always give you what you ask for. Shit happens and it’s always inevitable. I myself am a customer. I’m a user of different products and I avail of certain services. Working in the customer service industry opened my mind about my rights as a customer/consumer. It has also given me a renewed respect for those people working in the same industry. It’s not easy to be verbally abused and be trampled upon. I have so much regard for myself and I can’t simply allow people who wallow in utter despair of own lives to disrespect me.

Regardless of what the issue is, it all boils down to one thing again that respect begets respect. Such simple thing as respect is the hardest for some to do. What a shame.

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