Bourne Ultimatum
I finally saw Bourne Ultimatum last night. After so many months of waiting (more than a year actually), I finally saw the movie.
I read the Bourne series by Robert Ludlum. I was hooked to the book and I was really looking forward for the movies. I saw the first 2 movies on the day they were released however I was so busy when the 3rd one was released and didn’t have the time to watch it.
Finally, last night I did. I was literally sitting on edge of my seat especially during fight scenes. I’ve always admired how the fight sequence was done. Add the Matt Damon factor and it will really keep you glued to the movie.
I saw the first 2 movies (Identity and Supremacy) before I actually read the book. The movies (all 3 of them) were really great but I must say one thing though, I was expecting it to be a lot more than the books. I love the books because it gave me the similar feeling of a caffeine-induced thrill. I was reading it in sequence including the Bourne Supremacy and I finished the first four books in a week. Take note of that, within a week.
The book is something that you can’t afford to put down for a second. You can do anything you wish to do whilst your eyes are glued to the pages. I know it’s remotely impossible to do that but yeah, if you can do it then it’s possible. I read the book when I was pregnant. I was ordered by my OB to rest for a week due to a minor complication with my pregnancy. So yeah, it’s true; I was glued to the book for an entire week.
Nonetheless, all 3 movies had somehow passed my expectation of a great movie.
Cheers to Jason Bourne!
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