Sunday, May 24, 2009

What makes a person beautiful?

Is it having a perfect soft hair?

Is it having a perfect smooth skin perhaps?

Or having a perfect set of teeth?

How about having curvaceous body or having a six-pack abs?

Many of us are fascinated with the false idea of beauty. I do not contest when people becomes beautiful when they met the above requirement for being beautiful.

It is true that people; men and women alike are blinded by what only the eyes can see.

Do you consider someone who has a cleft palate beautiful?

How about someone with crooked teeth and dry, brittle hair?

Or perhaps someone, specially a woman, with a 32 inches waistline?

I believe that beauty along with love shouldn't be constricted by what the eyes can see. But the important thing is that beauty should be felt first then seen. A person becomes truly beautiful when he/she radiates from within a beautiful soul.

I don't know about you, but I see beauty in faces with imperfections, in imperfect people. Most of the time, real beauty comes out not in beauty pageants or from pages of magazines but it comes out in the most ordinary situation. Beauty is in every one.

Do you think you are beautiful?

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